Thursday, 25 February 2016

week 19. in this week we are learning about prepositions. prepositions are position words which tells us the position of an object. on, under, above, upon, below, inside, etc are a few of the position words.

1. The scared mouse saw a swift eagle on the tree.

Common nouns- mouse, eagle, tree.
Preposition  - on.
Adjectives - scared, swift
Article - the, a, the
Verb - saw.

Change CN to other CN:  mouse - squirrel, monkey, etc
                                          eagle - crocodile, hawk,snake,etc.
                                           tree - branch,hill,grass,etc.

Change or add adjectives to the CN:  mouse - small / eagle - sharp / tree- oak, tamarind, old,etc.

Pick out the action word:  saw-  action happened yesterday.
Write the opposite of the words in italics:  swift x lazy / scared x bold.
2. The plane flew high above the houses.

CN - plane, houses.
Preposition - above
Article - the, the
Verb - flew

Change the CN to other CN :  plane - birds, helicopter, flies,etc
                                                 houses - villages, hills, trees, fields,etc

Add adjective to the CN : plane - noisy / houses - many, new, etc.

Write the opposite of the word in italics:  above x low
Make the word in bold singular:  houses - hose.
3.The crocodiles went into the deep river Ganga.

PN - Ganga
CN - river,crocodiles
Adj - deep
Preposition - into
Article - the,the
Verb - went

Change CN to other CN :  river - lake, sea,etc
                                           crocodiles - alligators, fishes, etc
Change or add adjectives to the CN : crocodiles - heavy, dangerous,tough
                                                            river - muddy, clean, rough

Write the opposite of the word in italics:  deep x shallow.
4. The clever monkeys quickly climbed up an oak tree.

CN - monkeys, tree
Adj - clever, oak
Article - the,the
Preposition - up
Verb - climbed

Change CN to other CN :  monkeys - ants / tree - hill
Change or add adjective to the CN :  monkeys - clever /  tree - leafy
Pick out the action word:   climbed - past tense.
 Write the opposite of the word in italics:  clever x foolish / up x down.
5. The express train sped through the dark tunnel.

CN - train, tunnel
Preposition - through
Adj - dark, express
Verb - sped.

Change or add adjectives to the CN :  tunnel - long / train - slow, long, etc.
Write opposite of the word in italics:  dark x light.

weekend :

 ring - rings / box - boxes / books - book / child - children / man - men / mouse - mice / geese - goose / foot - feet.

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