Thursday, 25 February 2016

Week 20

 in this week we are learning about joining words, also known as conjunctions in grammar. the children will get familiar with the joining word- and .

1. Chanda bought pancakes, fruits and chocolates.

PN - Chanda
CN - pancakes, fruits,chocolates
Verb - bought.

Change the given PN :  Chanda - Sonal.
 Change the CN to other CN :  fruits - vegetables / pancakes - eggs / chocolates - flowers.

Change or add adjectives to the CN :  pancakes - delicious / fruits - juicy / chocolates - bitter.

Pick out the action word: bought - past tense

Pick out the joining word: and

Write the opposite of bought x sold
2.Meeta said she loved living in a cold country.

PN - Meeta
CN - country

Preposition - in
Verb - said, loved
Adj - cold
Article - a

Change the given PN :  Meeta - Sheena.
Change CN to other CN : country - city, village,etc
Change the adjective : cold x hot / warm
Pick out the action word: said and loved - past tense.
3. Minal asked for a picture book,two pencils and some crayons.

PN - Minal
CN - book,pencils, crayons
 Adj - picture, two, some.
Verb - asked

Change the given PN :  Minal - Priya

Change the CN to other CN:  book - apples / pencils - sweets / crayons - toys

Change or add adjective to the CN :   book - big / pencils - pointed / crayons - wax.

Pick out the action word:  asked - past tense

Pick out the joining word: and.
4. May I have a pizza, a cutlet and a large burger.

CN - pizza, cutlet, burger
Adj - large
Verb - have
Article - a,a,a

Change the CN to other CN : pizza - soup, cutlet - sandwich,burger - donut

Add adjective to the CN : pizza - vegetarian / cutlet - fried / burger - tasty

Pick out the joining word: and
5. The teacher asked us to bring a blanket, a water bottle and a torch.

CN - teacher, blanket, bottle, torch
Adjective - water
Article - the, a
Verb - asked

Change the word teacher to a proper noun :  Mohini
Change the CN to other CN : sir / book / pencil /  rubber
Add adjective to the CN : blanket - warm / bottle - plastic / torch - bright.
Pick out the action word: asked - past tense

Write te opposite of the word in italics : bring x take
Pick out the joining word: and.

week 19. in this week we are learning about prepositions. prepositions are position words which tells us the position of an object. on, under, above, upon, below, inside, etc are a few of the position words.

1. The scared mouse saw a swift eagle on the tree.

Common nouns- mouse, eagle, tree.
Preposition  - on.
Adjectives - scared, swift
Article - the, a, the
Verb - saw.

Change CN to other CN:  mouse - squirrel, monkey, etc
                                          eagle - crocodile, hawk,snake,etc.
                                           tree - branch,hill,grass,etc.

Change or add adjectives to the CN:  mouse - small / eagle - sharp / tree- oak, tamarind, old,etc.

Pick out the action word:  saw-  action happened yesterday.
Write the opposite of the words in italics:  swift x lazy / scared x bold.
2. The plane flew high above the houses.

CN - plane, houses.
Preposition - above
Article - the, the
Verb - flew

Change the CN to other CN :  plane - birds, helicopter, flies,etc
                                                 houses - villages, hills, trees, fields,etc

Add adjective to the CN : plane - noisy / houses - many, new, etc.

Write the opposite of the word in italics:  above x low
Make the word in bold singular:  houses - hose.
3.The crocodiles went into the deep river Ganga.

PN - Ganga
CN - river,crocodiles
Adj - deep
Preposition - into
Article - the,the
Verb - went

Change CN to other CN :  river - lake, sea,etc
                                           crocodiles - alligators, fishes, etc
Change or add adjectives to the CN : crocodiles - heavy, dangerous,tough
                                                            river - muddy, clean, rough

Write the opposite of the word in italics:  deep x shallow.
4. The clever monkeys quickly climbed up an oak tree.

CN - monkeys, tree
Adj - clever, oak
Article - the,the
Preposition - up
Verb - climbed

Change CN to other CN :  monkeys - ants / tree - hill
Change or add adjective to the CN :  monkeys - clever /  tree - leafy
Pick out the action word:   climbed - past tense.
 Write the opposite of the word in italics:  clever x foolish / up x down.
5. The express train sped through the dark tunnel.

CN - train, tunnel
Preposition - through
Adj - dark, express
Verb - sped.

Change or add adjectives to the CN :  tunnel - long / train - slow, long, etc.
Write opposite of the word in italics:  dark x light.

weekend :

 ring - rings / box - boxes / books - book / child - children / man - men / mouse - mice / geese - goose / foot - feet.

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Week 18 Answers:

Day 1

Geeta forgot her little daughter's birthday cake at her office.

Proper noun - Geeta
Common noun - daughter, cake, office.
Adjective - little, birthday
Verb - forgot

  • Change the given proper noun - Geeta - Surbhi.
  • Change the common noun into a proper noun by giving it a special name:  daughter - Chaya
  • Add adjectives to the common noun - daughter - tall, pretty / cake - delicious/ office - large.
  • Say whether this is a statement or a question - statement
  • Pick out the action word and say if the action happened yesterday, will happen tomorrow or is happening now - forgot - yesterday.
  • Write the opposite of the italicised word: forgot x remembered, little x big.
  • Change the gender - daughter's - son's.


Day 2
Did the men find any fierce lions in the cave?

Common Noun - men, lion , cave
Verb  - find
Adjective - fierce
Article  - the.

Change the given common nouns - men - children, lions - tigers, cave - zoo.
Add adjectives to the common nouns:  lions - roaring, men - strong, cave - dark
Say whether the sentence is a statement or a question - question.
Write the opposite of the italicised word: find x lose, fierce x meek
Change the gender - lion - lioness, men - women.

Day 3
The poet began to read an old poem n a soft voice.

Common noun - poet, poem, voice.
Adjective - soft, old
Article - an , a ,the
Verb - began

Change the common nouns to other common nouns - poet - teacher, singer/ poem - story, song.

Add adjectives to the common noun:  voice - sweet/ poem - rhyming/ poet - popular.
Say whether this is a statement or a question -  statement
Write the opposite of the italicised word-  old x new / soft - loud/ read x write.
Change the gender - poet - poetess

Day 4:

Mr. Bose will sit in the first row of the hall.

Proper noun - Mr. Bose
Common noun - row, hall
Verb - sit
Adjective - first
Article - the

Change the given proper noun - Mr . Kapoor
Change the adjectives - first - third, last/ hall - theatre, large.
Say whether the sentence is a statement or a question - statement.
Pick out the action word - will sit - will happen tomorrow.
Write the opposite of the italicised word:  sit x stand/ first x last.
Change the gender - Mr. Bose - Mrs. Bose.

Day 5:

The king loved the fsherman's magic trick.

Common Noun - king, fisherman, trick
Adjective - magic.
Article - the
Verb - loved

Change the common nouns to proper nouns - king - Edward, fisherman- Penny
Add adjectives to the common nouns: king - cruel, fisherman - poor, trick - amazing.
Say whether the sentence is a statement or a question - statement
Write the opposite of the italicised word: loved x hated
Change the gender - king - queen, fisherman - fisherwoman.

Saturday, 23 January 2016

Week 16 Day 3:

Uncle will cook a superb meal for us in  the night.

Common noun - uncle, meal night
Adjective - superb
Verb - cook
Article - a , the

Change the common noun to a proper noun - uncle - Mr. Sharma.
Change the adjective - superb - delicious
Change the verb - cook - make
Is this a statement or a question - statement
Find the opposite of superb x dull, night x day
Change the gender - uncle - aunt
Day 4:

Will she answer all the questions?

Common noun - questions
Adjective - all
Verb - answer
Article - the

Change she into a proper noun - she - Seema
Add an adjective to the common noun - questions - hard.
Is this a statement or a question - question.
Find the opposite of  the italicized word: answer x question
Change the gender  she - he.

Day 5

The popular actor walked through  an open door.

Common noun - actor, door
Verb - walked
Adjective - popular, open
Article - an, the

Change the common noun into a proper noun by giving it a special name- actor- Salman Khan.
Change the adjective - popular - famous, great, open - glass, large.
Is this a statement or a question - statement.
Find the opposite of italicised word- popular x unknown, open x close
Change the gender - actor - actress.

Week 17

Day 1:

Sona my mare runs fast.

Proper noun - Sona
Common noun - mare
Verb - runs

Change the proper noun - Sameera.
Change the common noun to a proper noun - mare - Donna
Add an adjective to the common noun - mare - young
Is this a statement or a question -  statement
Say if the action is happening now or happened yesterday or will happen tomorrow.
Find the opposite of the italicized word- fast x slowly
Change the gender- mare - horse.

Day 2:
 Bina told her husband to buy some fish.

Proper noun - Bina
Common noun - fish, husband
Verb - told
Adjective - some

Change the proper noun -  Bindu
Change the common noun to a proper noun - husband - Mr. Patel,
Add adjectives to the common nouns - fish - fresh, husband - kind.
Is this a statement or a question - statement
Say if the action is happening now, or yesterday or tomorrow - yesterday.
Write the opposite of the italicised word - buy x sell
Change the gender- husband -wife.

Day 3

Peter will see a lot of peahens in the forest.

Proper noun - Peter
Common noun - peahen, forest
Verb- see
Article - the, a

Change the proper noun - Pritam
Add adjective to the common nouns-   forest - dense, peahens - small
Is this a statement or a question - statement
Say if the action is happening now, yesterday or tomorrow - tomorrow.
Find the opposite of italicised word- lot x few
Change the gender- peahen - peacock

Day 4:
Sharad saw a massive tiger in the zoo today.

Proper Noun - Sharad
Commo noun - zoo, tiger
Verb-  saw
Adjective - massive
 Article - the

Change the proper noun - Sam
Change the common noun into  proper noun- tiger - Richard Parker, zoo - Jijamata zoo.
Change the adjective - massive - ferocious, scary
Is this a statement or a question -  statement
Find the opposite of the italicised word- massive x tiny
Change the gender - tiger - tigress

Day 5

Rahul thanked his host for the dinner.

Proper noun - Rahul
Common noun - host, dinner
Verb - thanked
Article - the

Change the proper noun - Rahim
Change the common noun to a proper noun - host - Mr. Ravi
Add adjectives to the common nouns- dinner - tasty, wonderful. host - kind, happy
Is this a statement or a question - statement
IS the action happening now, yesterday or tomorrow - yesterday
Find the opposite of the italicised word- dinner x breakfast
Change the gender - host - hostess.

Week 16 Answers:

Day 1:

We will ask Mina's clever husband to help us look for the lost cow.

Proper Noun - Mina
Common Noun - husband, cow
Verb - look, ask
Adjective - clever, lost
Article - the

Change the  common nouns into proper nouns - husband - Homi, cow - Rani
Change the adjective - clever - mean, lost - fat, etc.
Say if this is a statement or question - statement.
Change the verb - ask - tell, look - see, etc.
Write opposite of the italicized word - clever x foolish, lost x found.
Change the gender- husband - wife, cow - bull

Day 2 :

Should we take the naughty boy to his poor mother's house?

Common noun - boy, mother, house
Adjective - naughty, poor
Article - the
Verb - take

Change the common noun to proper noun - boy - Ram, mother - Savita, house - Shanti Sadan
Change the adjective - naughty - bad,  poor - good
Is this a statement or a question - question
Change the verb- take - follow
Write the opposite of the italicised word - naughty x well behaved, poor x rich
Change the gender - boy - girl, mother - father.

Thursday, 14 January 2016

Week 15:
 In week 15, the children are learning about verbs. All action words are called verbs.

give, laugh, sing, jump, walk, ate, etc are all action words, therefore  a verb.

 Day 1:

The kind boys took their friend to the sick room.

Common noun - boys, room,friend.

Adjective - kind, sick.

Article - the, the

Verb - took

Singular noun - room, friend.

Plural noun - boys.

Do as directed:

Change the common nouns into a proper noun by giving it a special name: friend - Ram, boys - Purav, Dhruv, Prithvi.

Change the verb : took -  walked, rushed

Change the adjective to see how the meaning changes: kind- mean, selfish,etc

sick - healthy, strong, meek.

Say if the sentence is a statement or a question:  statement.


Day 2:

Nita laughed when she saw the happy children playing.

Proper Noun - Nita
Common noun - children (P)
Adjective - happy
Verb - saw, laughed
Article - the

Do as directed:

Change the given proper noun - Monica
Change the adjective to see how the meaning changes: happy- sad, poor,etc.
Change the verb:  laughed - cried,  playing - begging. saw - found,etc.


Day 3:

Panna ate tasty noodles and a small pizza for dinner.

Proper Noun - Panna
Common Noun - pizza (S), noodles(P), diiner(S)
Adjective- tasty, small
Article - a
Verb - ate
Do as directed:

Change the given proper noun - Preeti, etc
Change the adjective to see how the meaning changes. tasty - delicious, fresh, etc.
                                                                                         small - large, vegetarian, etc

Change the verb:  ate - brought, cooked, etc.


Day 4

Janki walked to the music school as she missed her bus.

Proper noun - Janki
Common noun - school, bus
Adjective - music.
Article - the
Verb - walked, missed

Do as directed :

Change the given proper noun - Jiah,etc
Change the common noun into proper noun by giving it a special name:  school - Auxilium Convent High School.

Change the adjectives:  music - dance, skating, etc
 Change the verb:  walked - ran, etc. missed - forgot.


Day 5:

Mini bought an art book and new toys for her little sister.

Proper noun - Mini
Common noun - book, toys, sister
 Adjective- little, art, new
Article - an
Verb - bought

Change the given proper noun -  Sudha,etc.
Change the common noun to a proper noun by giving it a special name: sister - Aarti

book - Panchatantra

Change the verb :  bought - gave, took, etc

Change the adjective to see how the meaning changes.

art- colourful, science, etcv
little- older, younger, good, etc

new- old, small, etc
