Thursday 8 October 2015


Q I A.  Punctuate the sentence : 

           did hari menon see a ferocious lion at the zoo

Ans:  Did Hari Menon see a  ferocious lion at the zoo ?  

B. Fill in the table with the underlined words from the above sentence.

    Proper Noun - Hari Menon

   Common Noun - lion, zoo

   Adjective - ferocious

C. Change the proper noun to other proper noun -  Suraj 

D. Change the common noun to other common noun - bear or zoo - national park.

E. Change the common noun to a proper noun by giving it a special name 

Ans:  lion - Hero   
         zoo - Byculla zoo

F. Say whether this sentence is a statement or a question (tick the answer).

Q II. Choose the correct adjective from the brackets and fill in the blanks.
                                    ( big      round     some      bitter )

1. I live in a _______ house.

2.  ________ crows were seen in the city.

3.   A _______ stone hit the glass.

Q III. Add the prefix ‘un’ to the adjective and re- write the word.

       1. do -  undo

       2. safe - unsafe

      3  loved - unloved

      4. fold - unfold

Q IV. Write a common noun beginning with the given letter.  

        1. n - net
        2. e - egg
        3. t - tap

Q V. Fill in the blanks with the question words from the box.  

          What    When    Where    Why      How     Which

    1.  ________ colour dress would you like to buy ?

    2.  _________ are your exams starting ?

    3.  ________ many children are there in your class ?

   4.  _________ is the name of your school ?

Q VI. Look at the picture and write three sentences on it. 









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