Friday 7 August 2015

Week 5 : In this week the children will learn the use of  ?  and also when is it that a sentence is called to be a statement or a question.

Day 1 

Please note the change in sentence....

how do we play hide and seek asked sudha pant ( has been changed to )

a)  did you play hide and seek with sudha pant

Ans. Did you play hide and seek with Sudha Pant ?

b)  Proper noun - Sudha Pant,    Common noun -  hide and seek

c)  1. Sudha Pant - Preeti Mishra

     2. Sudha Pant - girl

     3. question


Day 2 :

a) I bought some ripe cherries and a melon.

b)   Proper noun -  xxxx

      Common noun - cherries, melon

c) 1. cherries- figs, etc.

        melon - pineapple

    2.   statement


Day  3 

a)  Mohan wore  a new shirt but old shoes.

b)  Proper Noun- Mohan,  Common Nouns -  shoes , shirt

c) 1.  Mohan - Himanshu

    2.   shirt - pant , shoes - sandals

   3.  statement


Day 4

a) Sushma lives in a building with her mother.

b) Proper noun - Sushma,     Common noun - building, mother

c)   1. Sushma- Mohini

       2.  building- Mehervilla,etc

            mother- Lalita

      3. statement


Day 5

a) Will you take my dog Bruno to a park ?

b)  Proper noun- Bruno

    Common noun - park, dog

c) 1. Bruno - Taby, etc

    2.  dog- cat

         park- garden, etc

3.  question


Weekend home task answers:

1.Where do you work ?

2. What time do you go to school ?

3. When do you sleep every night ?

4. How can I find the railway station ?

5. Why do you not wear your uniform ?

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