Tuesday, 22 December 2015

'In week 14, the students are learning about noun number - singular and plural. Singular meaning one and  Plural meaning more than one or many.'

Answers :

Day 1.
a Punctuate the sentence:
   Anjali put the unpacked boxes in the yellow bus.

b. Fill the table with the underlined words;

   proper noun - Anjali
common noun - boxes (plural), bus (singular)

adjective- yellow, unpacked

article - the

c. Answer orally:
1. Change the given proper noun - Alice
2.Change the adjectives - packed, heavy, etc. red, moving, etc.
3. Say whether the sentence is a statement or a question - statement

a. Punctuate the sentence:
    Vidya invited many friends and one teacher to her birthday.

b. Fill the table with the underlined words:

Proper noun - Vidya
Common noun -  friends, birthday, teacher.
Adjective- one, many

c. Answer Orally:
1. Change the given proper nouns - Vanitha,etc
2.Change the singular common noun to a proper noun by giving it a special name
    teacher - Mohini,etc
3. Change the adjectives - one - few, many - single, some,etc
4. Say whether the sentence is a statement or a question - statement

a. Punctuate the sentence:
   Parvati  clapped her hands and cheered loudly.

b. Fill the table with the underlined words:

Proper noun - Parvati
Common Noun - hands (p)
Adjective- loudly

c. Answer Orally:
1. Change the given proper nouns- Padmini
2. Add an adjective to the common noun - soft, small
3.Say whether the sentence is a statement or a question - statement

Day 4.
a. Punctuate the sentence:

Rajan flew a kite and played with marbles.

b. Fill the table:
   Proper noun - Rajan
  Common noun - kite, marbles
 Article - a

c. Answer orally:
1. Change the given proper noun- Raman
2. Change the common nouns to other common nouns- kite - toys, marbles- balls, etc
3. Add adjective to the common noun - colourful, glass,etc
4. Say whether the sentence is a statement or a question - statement
Day 5

a. Punctuate.
    Mohnish went to Delhi for an usual holiday.

b. Fill the table:
    Proper Noun - Mohnish, Delhi
    Common noun - holiday
    Adjective- unusual
   Article - an

c. Answer Orally:
1. Change the given proper nouns- Mohammed, Jaipur
2. Change the adjectives - usual, winter, etc
3. Say whether the sentence is a statement or a question - statement
Weekend Task:

potato - potatoes

street - streets

mask - masks

giraffe - giraffes

bench - benches

bush - bushes

key- keys

plate - plates
Kindly practice grammar from week 11 to week 14 completely including the weekend task.

Monday, 21 December 2015

Week 13 Answers:

Day 1.

a. Punctuate the sentence.

When will you bake a cake for Latika?

b. Fill in the table with the underlined words:

Proper Noun - Latika
Common Noun - cake
Adjective - xx
Article - a

c. Answer Orally:

1.Change the given proper nouns - Seema
2. Add an adjective to the common noun - chocolate, yummy,delicious, etc
3. Say whether the sentence is a statement or a question. - question

Day 2.

a. Punctuate the sentence:
Why are Paul and Mary jumping on the sofa?

b. Fill the table with the underlined words:
Proper noun - Paul, Mary
Common noun - sofa
Adjective - xx
Article - the

c. Answer Orally:

1. Change the given proper nouns- Sam, Mita
2. Add an adjective to the common noun - soft, cushiony
3.Say whether the sentence is a statement or a question - question.
Day 3.
a. Punctuate the sentence:
The sly fox smiled at a silly hen.

b.Fill the table with the underlined words:
Proper noun - xx
Common noun- fox, hen
Adjective- sly, silly
Article - a

c. Answer Orally:
1. Change the adjectives- cunning, foolish, smart, etc
2. Say whether the sentence is a statement or a question.- statement
3.Change the common nouns to other common nouns- jackal, goat, etc
Day 4.
a. Punctuate the sentence:
I love the soft bed in my room.

b. Fill the table with the underlined words:
Common noun - sofa
Adjective- soft
Article - the

c. Answer Orally:
1. Change i into a proper noun - Amita
2. Change the adjectives - hard, fluffy,new,etc
3.Say whether the sentence is a statement or a question - statement

Day 5.
a. Punctuate the sentence:
Two birds sang on the tall coconut tree.

b. Fill the table with the underlined words:
Common noun - birds, tree
Adjective- coconut, tall, two
Article - the

c. Answer Orally:
1. Change the common nouns to other common nouns- monkeys, branches,cage,etc
2. Change the adjective- one, many, slender, old, banana,etc
Say whether the sentence is a statement or a question. - statement

Thursday, 3 December 2015

Week 12  Answers:

Day 1.

 A. Punctuate the sentence:

     Rajani Prasad wrote a long letter.

B. Fill in the table with the underlined words:

    Proper Noun - Rajani Prasad

   Common Noun - letter

   Adjective - long

 Article - a

C. Answer Orally:

1. Change the given proper nouns - Rajani Prasad - Sneha Patel

2. Change the adjectives to its opposite word - long x short

3. Say whether this is statement or a question - statement.

Day 2

A. Punctuate the sentence:

 Who is the pretty lady with a gold necklace?

B. Fill in the table with the underlined words:

    Proper Noun - xx

   Common Noun - necklace, lady

   Adjective - gold, pretty

  Article - the, a

C. Answer Orally:

1. Change the adjectives - gold - diamond, pretty - beautiful, ugly, old, etc.

2. Say whether this sentence is a statement or a question.- question.

3. Is it a particular gold necklace or any gold necklace? - any.

Day 3:

 A. Punctuate the sentence:

Why is she looking tired and sad?

B. Fill in the table with the underlined words:

Proper Noun- xx

Common Noun - xx

Adjective - tired, sad

Article - xx

C. Answer Orally :

1. Change the word 'she' to a proper noun - Preeti, etc.

2.  Change the adjectives - sad - happy, tired - fresh, energetic.

3. Say whether the sentence is a statement or a question - question.

Day 4.

A. Punctuate the sentence:

    Where is the blue shirt that Tina bought?

B.  Fill in the table with the underlined words:

      Proper Noun - Tina

     Common Noun - shirt

     Adjective - blue

   Article - the

C. Answer Orally:

1. Change the given proper Noun - Tina - Suman.

2. Change the proper noun to common noun - Tina - girl.

3.  Change the adjectives- blue - pink, cotton, striped, new, etc.

4. Say whether this sentence is a statement or a question - question.

Day 5:

A. Punctuate the sentence:

The men were tall, strong and wise.

B. Fill in the table with the underlined words:

Proper Noun - xx

Common Noun - men

Adjectives - tall, strong, wise

Article - the

C. Answer Orally:

1. Change the adjectives - strong- weak, tall - short, wise - foolish.

2. Say whether this sentence is a statement or a question - statement