Friday, 31 July 2015

Week 4 - Day 3

a) Paul Mathias saw many birds near lake Vanali.

b) Proper Nouns -  Paul Mathias, Lake Vanali.

    Common Noun - birds.

c) 1.  Paul Mthias - Sam Mathew
         Lake Vanali - Powai lake, Dal lake, etc.

    2. bird- Meethu, Poly, etc.


day 4 :

a) Mary Manson had a little lamb called Snowy.

b)  Proper Nouns - Mary manson, Snowy.

     Common Nouns - lamb

c) 1. Mary Manson - Diana Dias, Snowy - Tommy

    2. lamb- puppy, kitten, dog, cat, pony, etc.

day 5 :

a) Little Jack Horner sat in a chair.

b) Proper Noun - Jack Horner.

   Common Noun - chair

c) 1. Jack Horner - John Fernandes

    2. chair- sofa, bench, etc.

Weekend Task -

1. sister
2. sing
3. sleep
4. sheet.



A)Punctuate the sentence:

     sneha has a new pencil

Ans.  Sneha has a new pencil.

B) Fill in the table with the underlined words:

 Proper Noun
Common Noun 



C)  Change the given proper noun.

       Sneha - Meenakshi

D) Change the given common noun into another common noun.

        pencil- bag, rubber, scale, etc

 E)  Arrange the words to make a meaningful sentence :

1. pencil red have i a

Ans. I have a red pencil.

2. toilet i may go  to the please

Ans. Please may i go to the toilet.

3. boy am i a 

Ans. I am a boy.

F) Write a common noun beginning with the given letter.

      a - actor, apple, axe, ant, 

     b - ball, bat, button, butter

     c - cat, collar, cushion, cover

     d- drum, doll, dog, dance

     e - egg, elephant

    i - ice, ink, ice cream

    g- gum, grass, glue, glass

    p- parrot, pen, pencil, paint

    s- song, socks, shoes, shirt

    z- zebra, zip,

Saturday, 25 July 2015


a) Punctuate the sentence:

   reema is a good dancer.

 _Reema is a good dancer.

b)   Fill in the table  with the underlined words:

 Proper Nouns

c)   Change the given proper noun.

      Reema-   Sita

a) Punctuate the sentence.

   rita brought a new bag

Rita brought a new bag.

b)   Fill in the table with the underlined words:

Proper Noun
 Common Noun

c)  Change the given proper noun.
     Rita - Gita

    Change the given common noun into another common noun.

     bag-   shoes, pencil, bottle, rubber, etc.



Week 4 - day 1

a) Hari Menon and Raghu Sinha made a new friend called Laxman Joga.

b)  Proper Nouns- Hari Menon, Laxman Joga, Raghu Sinha
      Common Noun-   friend


1.  Change the given proper nouns:

     Hari Menon - Sumit Jain

    Laxman Joga -  Ayub Khan

     Raghu Sinha -   Sahil  Sharma

2.  Change the common noun to proper noun by giving them a special name 

      friend -   Ram


Day 2 

a) Sonali Rathod  plays chess with Mira Sen.

b)   Proper Noun-  Sonali Rathod, Mira Sen

       Common Noun - chess

1. Change the given proper nouns.

      Sonali Rathod -    Maya Sehgal

     Mira Sen -   Leela  Krishnan

2.  Change the common noun into another common noun.

      chess - ludo, snake and ladder, etc


Sunday, 19 July 2015

Week 3 - Day 2 : Answers

a) Samir forgot his bag in school.

b)  Proper Noun - Samir

    Common Noun - school, bag

c) Change the given proper noun:  Samir - Sumit

    Change the common noun into proper noun by giving it a special name:

    school- Don Bosco High School

    Change the common noun into another common noun:
        bag - bottle, pencil, rubber,etc.



day 3

a) Mohammad and Mohan came to my house.

b) Proper Nouns - Mohammad, Mohan

    Common Nouns - house

c)  1. Mohammad -  Montu

        Mohan - Sunil

    2. house - Sion house, Andheri house, Matunga house, etc.


day 4

a)  Sajid wants a new pair of shoes.

b) Proper Noun - Sajid

   Common Noun - shoes

c) 1. Sajid-  Kishore

    2.  shoes - gloves, socks, etc ( Change the common noun into another common noun)

day 5

a) Monica drank a glass of water.

b)  Proper Noun - Monica

    Common Nouns - glass, water

c) 1. Monica - Sujata

    2.  glass-  bottle ( change the common noun into another common noun)

        water - juice, cold drink, etc (change the common noun into another common noun)

Thursday, 16 July 2015

Answers to the worksheet 1.

A) Sam and Maria went to the park.( punctuate the sentence)

B) Proper Nouns - Sam , Maria (fill the table)

C) (Mixed words) :

1. My name is Harry.
2. It is very hot.
3. My friend is Seema.

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

In week 3, we will learn about common nouns.

A common noun is used for a class of person, place, or thing A common noun is usually written  with small letters.

Some examples for better understanding.

1. When you go to the mall. Who do you see? children, grandmother, salesclerk, police officer, manager —all of these people are  common nouns.
2. Mall, restaurant, school, post office, backyard, beach, pet store, supermarket, gas station—all of these places are common nouns.
3. When you go into the kitchen. What do you see? Refrigerator, magnet, stove, window, coffee maker, wallpaper, spoons, sink, plate—all of these things are common nouns.
Day 1 Answers : Punctuation marks used here are capital letter and full stop.
a) Sudha cut the vegetables.
b) Proper Noun - Sudha
    Common Noun - vegetables
c)  Sudha - Maya  (change the given proper noun)
     vegetables - brinjals, cabbage, etc..(chnage the common noun into another common noun)

Week 2  Answers :

Day 2 

a) Arpita and Ayan met an old man.

b) Proper Nouns - Arpita, Ayan

c) Arpita - Malini

  Ayan - Tarun

Day 3

a) Hari goes to school with Hamid.

b) Proper Nouns - Hari , Hamid

c) Hari - Himesh

   Hamid - Salim

Day 4

a)  Suraj asked Rajat for his book.

b) Proper Nouns - Suraj , Rajat

c)  Suraj- Ravi

   Rajat- Sunil

 Day 5

a)  Sapna took Maya to school.

b) Proper Nouns - Sapna , Maya

c) Sapna - Sheela

   Maya- Meena

Weekend home task :

1. Jack had a brown shirt.

2. Jack had a frown.

3. He went to a doctor in the town.

4. The princess wore a blue gown.

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Week 2.

Re- arrange the letters to make a word:

 1. Yam - May

2. Rove - Over

3. Tops - Stop

4. Could - Cloud

5.  Kate - Take

Day 1 Answers:

a)   Mohan and Paul went to the park.

b)   Proper Nouns - Mohan, Paul

c) Change the given proper nouns:

   Mohan - Arun or any other name of a boy

  Paul -  Varun ( same as above)


Practice Work  for home : 

Q.   Re- write the sentence using capital letter and full stop:

a) i am a boy

Ans. I am a boy.

b)  mumbai is a city

Ans. Mumbai is a city.

c)  soham and mohan are friends

Ans.  Soham and Mohan are friends.

d)  there are fifty children in my class

Ans. There are fifty children in my class.

e)   my name is rohan

Ans. My name is Rohan.

Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Weekend Home Task on Pg.5 in L W E workbook: (Answers)

1. Jack found a coin.

2. Our dog is named Rover.

3. Mother made a cake.

4. Sham read a book.

5. It is very cold.

Friday, 3 July 2015

Week 1 - Answers
Kindly send the Language With Ease workbook everyday to class.

Proper Nouns- Is the 'special name' of a person, place or animal.
The special name always begins with a capital letter.

Punctuation Marks used  in this exercise are - capital letter to begin a sentence. And a full stop to end the sentence.

Day 1 

a. Punctuate the sentence.

Ans:  Rohan helped Smita .

b. Fill the table with the underlined words from the given sentence:

Ans :    Proper Nouns: Rohan , Smita

c. Change the given proper nouns.

Ans: Rohan - Sam,Varun (or any other name of a boy).

        Smita - Tara, Maya (or any other name of a girl).

Day 2 
a. Punctuate the sentence.

Ans: Susan ate lunch with Mala .

b. Fill the table with the underlined words from the given sentence.

Ans: Proper Nouns - Susan , Mala

c. Change the given proper nouns.

Ans:  Susan - Gita, or any other name of a girl.

          Mala - Reena or any other name of a girl.

Day 3

a. Punctuate the sentence.

Ans: Rattan went to meet Prabha .

b. Fill the table with the underlined words from the given sentence.

 Proper Nouns : Rattan, Prabha .

c. Change the given proper nouns.

Ans:    Rattan ( name of a boy) - Karan or any other name of a boy.

           Prabha - Sunita or any other name of a girl.

Day 4

a. Punctuate the sentence.

Ans . Pooja gave Radha a cup of tea.

b. Table:  Proper Nouns - Pooja, Radha.

c. Change the given proper nouns.

 Ans. Pooja - Madhvi or any other name of a girl

         Radha - Seema or any other name of a girl.

Day 5

a. Punctuate the sentence.

Ans. Salim is going to Delhi.

b. Table :  Proper Nouns - Salim, Delhi.

c. Change the given proper nouns:

Ans.  Salim- Arun, Ismail, or any other name of a boy.

          Delhi - Mumbai , Chennai or any other name of a city.